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Thinking of doing a startup? Want to meet potential co-founders? Check out FounderDating.

From: Jon P.
Sent on: Thursday, March 29, 2012, 11:18 AM
Hey all,

Sorry for the somewhat off-topic post, but just wanted to call attention to an upcoming event.

If you have startup aspirations and are ready to co-found one (or recently have) but are looking for a co-founder, consider applying to FounderDating.

FounderDating is an event series and online community / directory for folks looking for co-founders. It started a couple years ago out in SF and has recently expanded to other cities. The first Boston event is set for April 10th and the deadline to apply is April 1st.

I've spoken a few times with the founder, Jessica Alter, and she seems to be going about this the right way. According to her, FounderDating sets itself apart through...

- high quality: it's a curated, invite-only event / community. no recruiters, no pretenders.
- balance: 50% engineers, 50% non-engineers. no more feeling like chum in an ocean of "business" types.
- an online network: you'll have access to a directory of other potential co-founders from around the country.

Also in the plus column: my good friend Kabir Hemrajani is one of the guys running the Boston chapter. Kabir is all about community, is well connected, has started a couple companies of his own (RiotVine and Spotly), and is now Product Lead with one of Boston's best startups, Shareaholic, after a stint at another, Echo Nest. He's a great guy to lead the Boston FD chapter. I plan to help out a bit when I can as well.

So... interested? If so, apply before April 1st!

To apply:

Read more about it:

Hope to see some of you there on April 10th!

Jon Pierce | [address removed]

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