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New Meeting: Sarah Borges @ the Natick Center for Arts

From: Greg D
Sent on: Thursday, February 21, 2008, 5:28 PM
Announcing a new meeting for Boston Live Music!

What: Sarah Borges @ the Natick Center for Arts

When: Saturday, February 23, 8:00 PM

Meeting fee: USD16.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Anyone who like what Sarah Borges and the broken hearts are playing.

Why: Why Not?

Meeting Description: See Sarah Borges and the Broken hearts!
They are playing at the Natick Center for the Arts at 8pm 2/23/2008

Natick - Center for the Arts

A rock n' roll background, deep fried with an admiration for American roots music proves a tasty recipe on Sarah Borges' debut, 'Silver City' Her work has just enough spice to make you sit up straight and enough heartfelt emotion to make you think hard about why it is that you're wiping your eyes at its conclusion. Constantly looking for authentic, heartfelt sounds, Borges digests the sounds around her and then delivers them anew in her own distinctive and unique style, full of country power and alt rock.
Cost: $16; $15 students & seniors; $14

Listen to Sarah Borges and the Broken Hearts

Hope some of you can make this meetup

Learn more here:

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