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New Meetup: Hill Training at Breakheart Reservation (4.7m)

From: Andy
Sent on: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 11:23 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Boston Running Meetup Group!

What: Hill Training at Breakheart Reservation (4.7m)

When: September 16,[masked]:30 PM

Breakheart Reservation/Northeast Metro Tech
100 Hemlock Road
Wakefield, MA 01880

If you're looking to get some hill work into your routine please join me for a 4.7m run through Breakheart Reservation in Wakefield.

NOTE: We'll be leaving from Northeast Metro Tech High School in Wakefield, NOT the visitors center!

I had to get some hill work in while prepping for the half marathon next month. Breakheart offers a pave path shaded by trees and rolling hills with elevation of about 200 feet. Click on this link for the course and an elevation map:

To get 4.7 miles out of the run we have to do at least one loop but it is the hilliest part. I was able to keep a pace 11 minute miles but welcome all speeds and abilities.

Start time is immediately at 5:30pm to beat the sunset. The trees make it dark earlier than usual. Be sure to account for rush hour traffic! There is plenty of parking in the school lot. Then meet me near the Breakheart Reservation sign.

Hope you can make it!

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