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Running the Boston 13.1 race and need your help raising funds for Crohn's and Colitis!!

From: Lauren
Sent on: Saturday, March 13, 2010, 4:52 PM
Hi everyone!

I am somewhat new to this meetup group. I've participated in various runs such as TMIRCE, the Bur-Run, and Casey's Thursday night run since last fall. I wanted to let everyone know I am running a half marathon on June 27th (the Boston 13.1 which is a new race this year). The sponsored charity this year is the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA). These diseases affect my life personally, which is why I got into running in the first place, and I am trying to raise funds to help find a cure!

If you know someone who has one of these diseases (or even if you don't!), please consider making a tax deductible donation on my web page:

This is truly a great cause!! Thanks so much!!


Please help me find a cure for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis! ?I will be running the Boston Half Marathon on June 27th. ?Thank you!!

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