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New Meetup: TMIRCE Tuesday Track Workout (4.27)

From: Andy M.
Sent on: Monday, April 26, 2010, 5:38 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Boston Running Meetup Group!

What: TMIRCE Tuesday Track Workout (4.27)

When: Tuesday, April 27,[masked]:30 PM

Harvard Track
95 North Harvard Street
Allston, MA 02163

Looking to add a little speed/variety to your running routine? Do a track workout! Regardless of your ability level, track workouts are fun and will DEFINITELY improve your running.

Meet at McCurdy Track @ Harvard track at 6:30 pm, rain or shine or otherwise.
The track is here:


The workout is a simple speed workout designed to add some variety to our otherwise boring lives ;)

The rest of this details the workout and highlights a few things I think are important to remember. Skip it if you would rather just wing it and meet us at the track. We'll fill you in there.

If you have never run on a track before, don't worry if none of this makes sense right now. As much as I will try to prep you, it usually just takes a few laps around the track for all of this to sink in.


Ladder Down 1-2 sec. faster than 5k pace
Rest = 75%-90% of the time it takes to complete each lap

Things to remember
Track workouts (in my opinion) are supposed to be FUN! Don't be intimidated or dread a track workout. This is supposed to be a fun supplement to your other "normal" runs. With all of us out there encouraging each other it should be a blast.

Bring a running stopwatch/wristwatch if you have one! Using the start/lap/stop function will help you pace yourself on each lap.

Don't push it! If something hurts or starts to feel tight, don't risk an injury because you ran too hard on your first track workout of the summer. We have plenty of time to ease in...

Bring water for the end!!!

5k pace instructions
Decide how fast you would like to run a 5k. Choose a time that is reasonable yet challenging. Convert that time to seconds, and divide the seconds by 12.5 (the number of 400 meter laps it takes to run 5k). That is your 5k pace.

As an example, I might decide a reasonable yet challenging goal time for a 5k is 24 minutes.
24 minutes x 60 seconds per minute = 1440 seconds
1440 seconds divided by 12.5 laps in a 5k ~= 115 seconds / lap

This means that I will run the workout according to a pace of 115 seconds / lap.

I will also have pacing charts available at the track, so don't fret.

Eat, Run and Be Merry
The Most Informal Running Club Ever aims to promote healthy living and community by uniting people through the simple act of running together.

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