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What we’re about

Journeys to Bliss is dedicated to educating modern minds on those aspects of Tantra that relate to love, sex & relationship, NeoTantra.

It's a path of meditation…what sets it apart from other ‘paths’ is that it looks to the wisdom of the body and the senses as a means to becoming more present and alive in every aspect of our life.

NeoTantra sees lovemaking as an important key in accessing ‘bliss’ or ‘ecstasy’ and uses simple exercises, breath, movement, sound, and communication techniques and ritual to help us re-discover the wisdom of the body and uncover deeper and deeper levels of pleasure and orgasmic expansion.

It brings the essence of lovemaking and pleasure to all that one does, viewing relationship as a fertile ground for growth and self-awareness, removing anything that stands in the way of an honest and loving connection and making way for delight in all things.

Facilitated by Judith Anne Condon who teaches and practices within the lineages of Margot Anands' Sky Dancing Tantra and that of OSHO informed by contemporary scholars and practitioners including Hareesh, Tsultrim Alione and others she has been fortunate to have encountered in Colorado and abroad.

Guest presenters are scheduled periodically to enrich Journeys to Bliss offerings. All practices are effectively offered and engaged in fully clothed within session settings. Participants are held in a space of respect, safety and fully felt consent.

Journeys to Bliss offers 3, 7 and 10 Days of Tantra Retreats Worldwide, Couples and Singles Sessions In Person in Boulder, Colorado , multiple locations in Mexico, and Online via Zoom Worldwide. for more information.
Book a free 30 Minute Discovery Chat to see if sessions with me feel right.

Judith Anne Condon
Founder of Journeys to Bliss, Conscious Relationship & Tantra Coach

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