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Re: [rawfood-363] "Attract It" Game Nights.........December 7th thru the 9th

From: Chiraya D.
Sent on: Thursday, December 7, 2017, 10:39 AM
very cool! i don't see his email in here?

On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 2:35 PM, Athena Mills <[address removed]> wrote:

Dear Boulder Raw,

One of our members, Egan, invited us to attend "Attract It" game nights, I am assuming it is based on the Laws of Attraction.........sounds like fun.  Does anyone want to try?

This is an invitation to three upcoming Attract It game nights, December 7-9.

I developed the Law of Attraction boardgame called Attract It for groups of up to 4 people. Each player picks a personal goal and plays the game to attract it. Everybody wins by creating what they want in a fun way!

Attract It is going into production in January. We are now in the final testing stage which will focus on 4 player games. Several people around the country will be hosting their own Attract It game nights this month.

I have the capacity to hold three games at a time of up to 4 people each at my home in Broomfield. It is both 30 minutes from Denver and Boulder right off of US-36.

Testing times for the Denver/Boulder area will be:
Thursday, December 7, 6:45pm – 9:45pm
Friday, December 8, 6:45pm – 9:45pm
Saturday, December 9, 6:45pm – 9:45pm

If you want to play Attract It please send me an email to RSVP for which night you want to play. I will reply with a confirmation email back to you. You are free to play multiple nights as well. Once you RSVP I will email you driving directions and instructions for the game.

You can invite/bring other people but all who plan to attend MUST RSVP in advance. It is fine to forward this email to people you think might be interested.

If you do not drive, or want to host a game night in your own home, please let me know and we can schedule a date. If you can get 4 or more people together I am happy to drive to you with all the game equipment.

I want to thank all of the people who have played Attract It with me so far. It has been a big help in refining the game.

If you have any questions please give me a call: [masked].

You attracted it!


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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]


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