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What we’re about

For women who want to uplevel and grow and live more connected, vibrant, desire-led lives. Let’s get out of our little bubbles, embrace the uncomfortable and meet some other fun cuties and do some fun shit!

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Hi! I’m Hannah. 🤩 I am a relationship coach for badass women and my passion in life is to use my voice to empower, support, and see that child-like light shine from the eyes of every woman. My goal with this group is to hold the space for women to meet other like-minded women, overcome the social awkwardness, and embrace connections with others, for the long haul. Ultimately, I want to be an ally in your journey to healthy, dynamic relationships!

I see a need around me for women to meet and connect with other women, as so many of the women I coach express the desire to have connected, fulfilling feminine relationships. This stuff ain’t easy! I’m excited to host events that will give permission for women to be fully themselves (weirdness, anxiety, quirks, and all!) as they meet and connect with others. Relationships are scary, meeting other women can be scary, intimacy is scary, but if you’re ready to push through that fear, this group is for you. Let’s be brave b*tches together!