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What we’re about

Note: we no longer use for event registrations. Check the website for actual info and sign-ups.

Breaking the Silos is all about breaking siloed thinking and approaches within Belgian organisations, and improving collaboration by:

  • enlightening companies to choose sustainable solutions for problems over short-term fixes
  • inspiring companies to embrace change in their market and in society as a whole
  • building a safe and inclusive work environment for all people involved
  • showcasing the advantages and success stories of breaking siloed thinking.

We build a community of like-minded organisations, leaders and people that want to make sustainable change happen. Our mini-conferences feature inspirational keynotes or panel discussions and are organised all around Belgium. We also provide a Discord server for continuing the discussions and sharing resources afterwards.

Join us to learn how to make change happen in your company or teams and to meet people sharing the same values.

Breaking the Silos is a joint effort by founders of Bjièn, I.T. Works and FLY.

We have a code of conduct that all community members, attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers must follow. You can find the code of conduct here.