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What we’re about

Welcome Lovely!

I am a Dutchie living in the beautiful Barcelona.

Join me for Monthly Sunday Soul Yoga classes in Gracia, or Reiki treatments & Quantum Soul Guidance sessions.

This group is for everyone that resonates with self development, spirituality, yoga, mindfulness, meditation, awareness. Everyone that is on their Spiritual Journey, willing to connect more with themselves, expand their consciousness, being surrounded by likeminded people.

The events i will be hosting (soon) will be related to Soul Yoga - working with the different Elements, with the Chakra's, Reiki, Mantra's and Soundhealing with the focus on turning inwards with mainly Yin Yoga movements.

I also give Quantum Soul Guidance sessions - this is not in the form of a group but 1-1 in person, over zoom or you can choose for a report. I will check your Natal Birth Chart & the Star Constellations that are linked to the different planets and houses in your Chart to discover more about your Soul Journey.

I will post some future events in the upcoming time!

If you have questions, let me know, I am here to connect with you.

Find more information on my website:

Blessings, Paula