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What we’re about

Hi everyone,

I'm Anna, and I am delighted to invite you to join our community dedicated to the power of breath.

I am a passionate breathwork guide trained in trauma, driven by a profound call to create a nurturing space where my clients can embark on a transformative journey within themselves. My unwavering commitment lies in demystifying breathwork, revealing its potential as a powerful tool to unlock deep-seated emotions and its direct correlation to the nervous system. I have witnessed the profound impact that conscious breathing can have on our physical, mental, and emotional states. Through my own journey, I've discovered the immense potential within each breath to bring about balance, clarity, and inner peace.

In our gatherings, we'll explore various breathwork techniques, guided meditations, and mindfulness practices designed to help you release tension, reduce stress, and foster a deeper connection with your inner self and others.

This space is open to everyone seeking a sanctuary for healing and self-discovery. I look forward to meeting each one of you!

See you soon.

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