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What we’re about

I set up this group because I want to meet like minded people who want to have fun and make friendships through walking as the primary aim. At the same time walking in beautiful surroundings and using feel good exercise and conversation as a facilitator for friendships. Walking groups can be very good at doing this if everyone is on this same page to want to find friendships!

If I’ve described what you are looking for in a walking group then ‘Brighton and Sussex Friendship Walkers’ is for you!

Open to people of all ages and backgrounds and ethnic groups, my walks are normally on weekends and 8-13miles in length, or evening walks in the summer (but your organised walks can be shorter or longer). Walks are restricted to a maximum of 12 people per walk to keep the group personal, pub lunches are encouraged on day walks to aid social interaction (the walk organiser organises the booking), and regular participants are strongly encouraged to come up with routes and act as organiser to help facilitate the aims of the group and encourage more walks and members and friendships, and take the burden off me or others for organising everything. The role of leading doesn’t necessarily have to be on the shoulders of the member organising the walk/route, as many have map phones nowadays.

Additionally anyone can put on a walk after their 2nd walk with the group/me, for safety checking reasons. Subject to enough interest, any number of walks can happen on the same day, so people can form their own social groups within the group if they desire. This allows members a choice over the routes they prefer, distances, locations, and to make friendships possible in the context of everyone feeling comfortable with the company they keep and getting away from ‘one fits all’ walking groups, where you get cliques within groups or undesirables. It does rely on people organising walks and coming up with routes and not just coming on walks as someone is always organising it for you.

I haven’t set this group up with regular ultra distance walking or ‘pursuit’ type walking in mind, so please do keep together as much as is possible and be considerate of others in accordance with the groups purpose to be social, but enjoy and take in the countryside.

For ease of transport, walks are predominantly encouraged to be of a circular nature, with some linear walks, accessible via car to anywhere in Sussex, to encourage variation and explore hidden routes. Alternatively from train and bus routes from Brighton and surrounding areas. Please be aware of this to encourage participation if putting on walks. Car sharing is encouraged to keep costs down and help people based in Brighton or elsewhere get to walks who don’t drive.

We are not affiliated to the Ramblers, but advocate safety at all times and take the risks of the countryside and peoples personal safety seriously, including modifying routes as necessary to not expose members to any potential risk or harm. I arbitrate over any conflicts between members.

I’m also here to make people feel welcome and ensure everyone has a good time, as everyone agrees to do the same with each other.

Everyone is responsible for their own personal safety whilst walking with the normal foreseeable risks of the countryside, bringing appropriate footwear and clothing, supplies and sun cream etc.

Whilst this is a not for profit group, I do ask all repeat attending members to help me meet the costs of the meet-up subscription I have to pay, after coming on their second walk, by paying me £4 a year. Any small excesses goes to charity at the end of the year and all members (including me) pay the sub in fairness to everyone.

**Please note attendees under the age of 18 must have a guardian with them (family member) as per Meetup’s terms, which they require me to post here. Please guardian let the walk organiser know of both your RSVP’s names before the walk.

** if you book on walks but don’t arrive and have forgotten to un-RSVP, I encourage organisers to wait only 10 minutes before leaving but please be considerate in this sense.

Best Wishes

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