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What we’re about

Brighton ALT.NET is a monthly meetup for C# .NET Developers in Brighton and Hove. We meet on the second Thursday of every month at The Werks in Middle Street for a Q&A style event, with the occasional talk or show-and-tell.

It's free to attend, very informal, and we usually have free beer and pizza sponsored by a local company. It's a really friendly crowd and everyone is welcome.

The format of the evening is very simple. If you have something that you'd like to talk about, or a question that you want to pose to the group, write it down on a post-it note and add it to the pile. We then vote on the topics and talk about them in descending vote order, 10 minutes per question for the most popular, and then 5 minutes per question when we start running low on time.

Doors open at 7.15pm. Help yourself to some pizza and beer, get your questions written down, and we sit down to start voting at around 7.30. We usually wrap up at 9.30, and then head to the The Hop Poles pub next door to carry on the conversation.

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