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What we’re about

Try Tag Rugby makes exercise easy, fun and the social highlight of your week!

You don't need to have even touched a rugby ball before to get involved. Its just a fun and social way to keep fit and meet people.

We run mixed (men and women) social Tag Rugby Leagues, Events and Taster Sessions throughout the year. All our leagues/events have a social in a nearby pub, this includes at our regular weekly leagues!

Come down and give tag a try for free at one of our Free Taster Sessions. If you can't make a taster, that's no problem you can sign up for a league or event and we will go over how to play before your first game. It's easy to pick up.

Sign up for a session online here Taster Sessions - Try Tag Rugby or send us a message on here if you want more information.

You can also find us on the following:

More information can also be found on our website: