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What we’re about

Calling all SPANISH * FRENCH * MANDARIN Learners

If you're looking for a fun and engaging way to practice a new language and explore New York City, then Brooklyn Bridge Babelers is the perfect group for you!

I’m “Elle” (my nickname). Since I was a little girl, I’ve loved learning languages! I currently speak six languages to various levels, but I find that it’s hard to find fun ways to practice:

  • Language classes are boring and rote.
  • Language exchanges are awkward and difficult to keep a conversation going.
  • It's difficult to stay motivated.

This is crazy since we live in such a lingually diverse city! So I figured I would start this group, Brooklyn Bridge Babelers. It’s basically a language-learning social club for people, like me, who want to improve their language skills, connect with other language lovers, and explore this amazingly diverse city of ours.

The idea is to offer a variety of immersive activities in a relaxed, social environment: think restaurant visits, cooking, dance, and art classes, neighborhood tours, reading clubs, cultural outings, conversation groups, and more. I'll provide some key vocab and conversation prompts to help you along the way.

This will be geared toward A1-B2 learners.

If you're looking for a fun and engaging way to practice a new language, then join me and the Brooklyn Bridge Babelers!

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