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What we’re about

This meetup group is designed for both tech enthusiasts who create and build AI solutions and business leaders seeking to harness AI's potential in their operations.

We bridge the gap between the technical world of AI and its real-world business applications.

We cater to:

Tech Professionals: Developers, data scientists, engineers, researchers looking to delve deeper into AI concepts and applications.

Business Professionals: Executives, product managers, marketing leaders, and entrepreneurs interested in understanding how AI can transform their businesses.

What to expect:

Balance of Technical & Business Focus: We'll explore the "how" and "why" of AI with:

  • Technical Deep Dives: Learn about specific AI algorithms, frameworks, and implementation challenges.
  • Business-Oriented Sessions: Discover the ROI, explore AI integration strategies, and navigate ethical considerations.

Industry Insights & Case Studies: Gain practical knowledge by seeing how companies are using AI to solve real-world problems.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow AI enthusiasts, collaborate on projects, and build your network within Budapest's tech scene.


This meetup group is powered by the combined expertise of IseeQ and Neuron Solutions:

Neuron Solutions: A top AI consulting firm, curating the events. Their expertise ensures high-quality, informative sessions that address the most relevant topics in AI.

IseeQ: A leading IT recruitment agency with a wide international network in the tech field. They'll leverage their connections to bring in top speakers and companies from Budapest and beyond.