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From: Ryuoh Faulconer S.
Sent on: Thursday, March 5, 2015, 2:24 PM

Dear Sangha and Friends,

I have finished the calendar through July of this year. Please take a look. The Japan Festival in Boston will be in April. Hanamatsuri is just around the corner (Spring) - Yeah! Hope to see everyone in the next couple months. The weather has kept some away. I am looking forward to seeing everyone. As you look, June will be a very busy month for me. We also will have Tokudo ceremonies for two new Shami (novice). This will be scheduled soon and I will announce it when it goes up onto the calendar. April is also one of the two times of the year when those who have been coming to the Temple can join and become members officially. If you feel thats you please come and talk to me about taking Jukai.

with Gassho,

Ryuoh Shonin

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