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Re: [The-Burlington-Writers-Group] We need more people!

From: user 2.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 10:42 PM
Hi Peter.

Well, I have a great laugh for your writers tomorrow.  When I joined your writers group I typed in Burlington Ontario and your group came up.  Well, you happen to be in Vermont and although I have always longed to live in Vermont, I do not.  I live just outside Toronto, Canada.  I just noticed the Burlington, not the VT, when I signed up.  So, if you would kindly remove my name from your list -- rather than wondering why I'm not showing up and if I've died, I would be forever grateful.  I do picture myself in your group, however, and having a wonderful time sharing writing experiences.

Nice knowing you, for however briefly.
C. D. (Colleen) McCloy

From: Peter <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Tuesday, August 2,[masked]:29:23 PM
Subject: [The-Burlington-Writers-Group] We need more people!

Hi Writers,
We need a few more people to give me a definite "yes" on tomorrow's meeting in order to make it happen. Last week we had quite a few people sign up and then not show up.
There are 31 people in this Meetup Group, and the vast majority have not RSVP'd. Please let me know what your plans are, so I can plan accordingly. And read Pam's story!
And Pam, RSVP please! ;)

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This message was sent by Peter ([address removed]) from The Burlington Writers Group.
To learn more about Peter, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]