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"People Who Hate America" by Kim MacQueen

From: Peter B.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 19, 2013, 9:05 PM

Hi Writers,

I'm writing to let you know about an exciting book that some of you may remember seeing in a workshop a few months ago.

BWW member Kim MacQueen is raising money to produce "People Who Hate America" on It's a Newark-based novel that explores its mayor, the mobbed-up man behind the 1967 riots that ripped the city apart. Here's a description of the book: "Hugh Addonizio was mayor of Newark, NJ from 1962 to 1969. He served as city father during the riots in the summer of 1967. A blue-ribbon commission appointed to study the cause of the riots pointed the finger squarely at the mayor's racist policies. He was running for re-election and hoped to one day become governor when he was sent to federal prison for corruption and tax evasion, his administration reportedly so corrupt that critics said he had "literally delivered the city into the hands of organized crime."

Please consider supporting this project with a contribution. For $25, you get a copy of the book!

There are only a few days left in this campaign, though, so don't delay. It's certainly a worthy project.

That's all. Enjoy!


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