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A Book and A Movie

From: Peter B.
Sent on: Saturday, June 22, 2013, 6:17 PM

Hi Writers,

Let's get together on Saturday, August 24th and watch a movie based on a book we've read. What movie, you ask? That's up to you!

Please respond to this email with your suggestion of a book/movie we should read/watch. This will be an opportunity for us to deconstruct/discuss a longer work and how a director or screenwriter has "edited" the story to fit the screen. We'll talk about plot, character, dialogue, and setting, among other things.

When I have your suggestions, I'll create a poll, and we'll vote!

I am scoping out locations for the viewing of the movie on August 24th. Your suggestions on this are welcome, too!

Some examples: "The Cider House Rules" by John Irving and the movie of the same name; "Brokeback Mountain" by Annie Proulx and the movie; "The Body" by Stephen King and "Stand By Me"; "No Country for Old Men" by Cormac McCarthy;...etc.

Let me know what you think by Tuesday, June 25th. Thanks!
