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What we’re about

In search of a perfect café - we focus on discovering varied and interesting new cafés in small attendee numbers, to engender quality conversations, to satisfy curious and adventurous souls, to make new friends.

What is a perfect café? The coffee matters - and that is not the only thing. A great café is a place that puts a smile on your face for different reasons - homey, funky, airy, happy; great food, great atmosphere. It feels nice just by being there.

'Café discoveries in not-so-large numbers' is about:

Meetups at any place of varying styles and locations that serve decent coffee: cafés in Sydney, cafés out of town, cafes with a view, cafes below ground... any café at all, or even cafés that are not cafés, like Café Sydney ;)

small attendee numbers - 6 or 8 people, to have a better sense of intimacy and to foster better conversations. Because of small numbers, it is essential that you are genuine and commit to your RSVPs. You may be removed from the group with no-shows, last-minute un-RSVPs, or inactivity.

inclusiveness - we do not exclude on any basis... age, geography, profession etc. The more diverse the attendees, the more interesting the conversations.

education and experience - we sample different blends of beans, brewing methods and kinds of coffee (occasionally go for other than what you normally have - eg macchiato or espresso)

anyone can, and are encouraged to, schedule a meetup with the '+ SCHEDULE A NEW MEETUP' link after going to the 'Home' page of Cafe Discoveries. Clue us in on your local or favourite cafés

Other than coffee - tea, hot chocolate, cakes, meals are also the go here - for breakfast, morning tea, brunch, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner...

Happy drinking and eating of a different kind!


PS members who RSVP but do not show, or cancel on the day of the event, will be moved to the waitlist of future events;

Inactive members are regularly removed.