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What we’re about

From the same people that brought you Cambridge Awesome Meetup....... we're in Cambridge, we're awesome, and we love cooking! What more could you ever want in a meetup group?!

Exactly how this is going to work, TBH, I'm not exactly sure. In my head it's a communal cooking utopia - somebody hosts, we all bring stuff, between us we collaborate to cook & eat a meal and put right the kitchen devastation that accidentally happens as a by-product of cooking. Certainly, kitchen devastation accidentally happens when I cook, so I assume everybody is the same?! Then we all go home with leftovers, a reminder of an awesome evening with really really top-class people!!

So, some details to fill in, but I'm sure we'll work it out. Critically you don't need to be an accomplished chef..... if you're happy to join in and help out, I'm sure between us we can come up with something edible!

So, the important bit. The meals will be held in people's houses, so I regret we have to be careful about who we invite - I'm sure you understand, it's for the comfort and safety of all members etc etc. So, we have to be a little careful on who we can invite to join.....

* You must be fully up-to-date with Covid vaccines
* You must already be an active member of Cambridge Awesome Meetup: Cambridge Awesome Meetup! (Cambridge, United Kingdom) | Meetup
* You must be proposed by TWO members of Cambridge Awesome Cooking
* You must be happy to join in with the cooking!
* We must be able to recognise you from your picture!
* Ideally, it's great if you can host. That's not an absolute must, but it certainly helps!
* People that are members of lots of groups generally can't commit :( They rarely sign up to events, and when they do, they frequently no-show. TBH I'm not interested - nobody can possibly commit to 20 groups - if you're a member of so many groups, you're not for us
* I can't believe I have to say this, but I do - this is Cambridge Awesome Cooking, we are in Cambridge, all our events are at members' houses in Cambridge. If you live far from Cambridge, and all your groups are far from Cambridge, the probability of you participating in the group are approaching zero. Sorry :(