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Discuss "What is it to be a good ancestor?"

Photo of Anthony Stanton
Hosted By
Anthony S.


Join us for facilitated conversation on the topic "What is it to be a good ancestor?"

We sit at tables of 5-6 people, each with a facilitator. There will be a seating plan, aimed at gender balance at each table. Please keep your RSVP up to date so that if you cannot come, someone else is able to take your place; thank you.

Each facilitated conversation lasts for around two hours, with a break in the middle. To kick off, we invite each person to check in, without interruption; and then to offer opening remarks on the topic for up to one minute if they would like to, again without interruption. Towards the end, the facilitator will invite closing remarks for up to one minute on the topic.

We aim to have fun, and not be too serious. The question is an excuse for an interesting and friendly chat; the conversation may evolve well beyond it, and that's fine.

We suggest a contribution of £2 at each event to help cover the Meetup fee of over £200 a year. Either by bringing cash, or by BACS with your name as the reference to AJ Stanton, account number 20456094, sort code 23-05-80. Thank you.

Photo of Cambridge big picture conversation group group
Cambridge big picture conversation group
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18 spots left