What we’re about
Dear Moot Members and Visitors, this is Cambridge Pagan Moot, 2022, Newmarket Road's Corner House pub moots and Mill Road Cemetery rituals, monthly on Sundays. Please note we meet at 6pm for pub moots, 1pm for solstice/equinox, and 7pm for moons, and any esoteric mystical talks are followed by mellow drinks. Will you join me in welcoming Alice and Natasha to our line-up of speakers (from May) this year - feel free to ask me directly if you wish to know who speaks when. For any queries do get in touch with me any time. 2nd January: Year Opening Social | 6th February: Gnostic Moot | 20th February: Cleansing Moon | 6th March: Tarot Moot | 20th March: Spring Equinox | 3rd April: Classic Plato Moot | 1st May: Storytelling Moot | 15th May: Full Moon | 5th June: Shaman Moot | 19th June: Summer Solstice | 3rd July: England and Roots Moot | 10th July: Buck Moon | 7th August: Summer Harvest of Your Own (Tarot/Runes/Other) Divination Showcase | 4th September: Mindful Moot | 25th September: Fall Equinox | 2nd October: Myth Moot | 30th October: Samhain Moon | 6th November: Samhain Ghost Stories | 4th December: Yuletide Mirth and Singing | 18th December: Winter Solstice. All welcome. Benisons, Matt
Dear Moot Members and Visitors, this is Cambridge Pagan Moot, 2021, Newmarket Road's Corner House pub, monthly on Sundays. Please note we meet at 6pm and any esoteric mystical talks are followed by mellow drinks. Will you join me in welcoming Lydia and Natasha to our line-up of speakers (from May) this year - feel free to ask me directly if you wish to know who speaks when. For any queries do get in touch with me any time. 3rd January: Year Opening Social /\ 7th February: Gnostic Moot /\ 7th March: Storytelling Moot /\ 4th April: Classic Plato Moot /\ 2nd May: Mindful Shaman Moot /\ 6th June: Astrology Moot /\ 4th July: Animist Moot /\ 1st August: Summer Harvest of Your Own (Tarot/Runes/Other) Divination Showcase /\ 5th September: Tarot Moot /\ 3rd October: Myth Moot /\ 7th November: Samhain Ghost Stories /\ 5th December: Yuletide Mirth and Singing. All welcome. Benisons, Matt
This is Cambridge Pagan Moot, 2020, monthly on Sundays. Please note we meet at 6pm and any esoteric mystical talks are followed by mellow drinks. Will you join me in welcoming Sam to our line-up of speakers (June moot) this year - feel free to ask me directly if you wish to know who speaks when. For any queries do get in touch with me any time. 5th January: Year Opening Social ~ 2nd February: Tarot Moot ~ 1st March: Gnostic Moot ~ 5th April: Classic Plato Moot ~ 3rd May: Storytelling Moot ~ 7th June: Mindful Moot ~ 5th July: Astrology Moot ~ 2nd August: Summer Harvest of Your Own (Tarot/Runes/Other) Divination Showcase ~ 6th September: Animist Moot ~ 4th October: Myth Moot ~ 1st November: Samhain Ghost Stories ~ 6th December: Yuletide Mirth and Singing. All welcome, benisons. Matt
This is Cambridge Pagan Moot, 2019, Salisbury Arms on Tenison Road monthly on Sundays. Please note we meet at 6pm and any esoteric mystical talks are followed by mellow drinks -- for any queries do get in touch with me any time: 6th January - 3rd February - 3rd March - 7th April - 5th May - 2nd June - 7th July - 4th August - 1st Sept - 6th Oct - 3rd November (Samhain) - Yule mirth on 1st December - all welcome, benisons. Matt