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May’s Free Sailing Seminar day 1/3 Ground school & sailing lectures

Photo of Christian Patrick aka TryBabyTri
Hosted By
Christian Patrick aka T.
May’s Free Sailing Seminar day 1/3 Ground school & sailing lectures


Ground school is 5pm to 6pm,, reeportbacks will be 6pm to 7pm and our keynote lecture will be “Rescue at Sea’ from7pm to 8pm. The reportbacks are “Manhattan Circumnavigation” reportback the “Bahamas expedition” reportback Lecture and a new excursion will be a “Gulfstream Beachcat Challenge” and volunteer “work day” project report backs including hobie bravo reverse engineering and cobb oven building, boat ramp, gates etc… what to do this summer with the Club. I will do our keynote lecture on “rescue at sea” and others are encouraged to help or even take the lead if they know better.


We will teach you the theory of how to sail small sailboats and Catamarans in New York City in the winter safely. We also prepare you for hands on apring sailing instruction the following day. We will also explain how our collective works and how other free sailing schools can be created. This event is in doors with. Bring drinking water and bring food for a pot Luck dinner party if you wish to stay afterwords and bring wine if you like wine if you like (house rules trump FSS no alcohol rules lol.) There are bathrooms and a full working Kitchen available and changing rooms if anyone wants to dress up for the ocasion the theme is inclusivity. LGBT-QA the A stands for Allies (thats everyone else that isn’t LGBTQ)

please study our Handbook:


Please call, text or email me if you need more info. No need to call or text just to rsvp or cancel an rsvp. We usually get about 20 people so its hard to keep track of everyone anyways. Here is my number Tree won tree nin too nin won zeuro sebn fibe

Please study the materials on our ground school handbook if you get a chance.


The next day, Saturday 11am-3pm in our secret Laguardia Airport location (you must come to ground school to find our where) will be boat maintenance and boat repair 11am - 3pm followed by all weekend sailing and camping until Sunday night at 7pm. You can come and go all you want and/or camp out with us on our beach or in our safron tree forest and enjoy until Sunday night!

Sunday 11am to 5pm will be hands on spring sailing in Drysuits SKILLSHARE.

I repeat, you will have to attend ground school and boat maintenance Saturday to sail for free the rest of the weekend. But if you miss either or both you can just donate 50$ to our club and we will give you the secret location as soon as we get the donation electronically still sail anytime saturday 11am untik Sunday 7pm and come and go as you please and/or camp out with us!

We’re run entirely by volunteers that want to make the world a better place so join us and help the cause! Please call me if you can’t find us or if you have any questions anytime 313-929-107five

COVID-19 safety measures

Event will be indoors
The event host is instituting the above safety measures for this event. Meetup is not responsible for ensuring, and will not independently verify, that these precautions are followed.
Photo of The Free Sailing School & Flushing Bay Catamaran Association group
The Free Sailing School & Flushing Bay Catamaran Association
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