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New Meetup: Let's get to / Community Garden

From: angie h.
Sent on: Sunday, September 12, 2010, 12:50 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Central Florida Acts of Kindness!

What: Let's get to / Community Garden

When: Sunday, October 10,[masked]:00 AM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)'s Global Work Party...
With your help, 10/10/10 is going to be the biggest day of practical action to cut carbon that the world has ever seen. On 10/10/10, the planet is getting to work on climate change with 2000+ events in 140+ countries.

We're calling it "A Day to Celebrate Climate Solutions"--together we'll get to work in our communities on projects that can cut carbon and build the clean energy future. While we'd like everyone to show up at 8am...I realize that's early. So, if you hit that snooze button a few too many times...we'll forgive you...better late than never!

But we won't stop there--we'll be using the day to pressure our leaders to Get To Work themselves by passing strong climate policies promoting clean energy and reducing emissions.

One way we can get to 350 (see, is to rethink the way we produce food on the planet by moving away from industrial agriculture powered by fossil fuels. Therefore, I have chosen a project for this day where volunteers will create a community garden. Community gardens have both a physical and social benefit for the people and neighborhoods. They also beautify neighborhoods and help bring neighbors closer together. This is just on a smaller scale....something to think about daily. However, on[masked]...we will be think global:-)

I have emailed a few organizations for planning. Once all is confirmed, I will post more info. I am also seeking donations/sponsors for this event. I'd love to have enough supplies and volunteers to do more than one garden!

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