What we’re about
PLEASE NOTE: We are returning to some in-person meetings and events, while continuing many of our online virtual meetings, and also providing some hybrid events, in which we have a livestream feed from an in-person event, offering the opportunity for remote virtual participation.
Centre for Inquiry Canada runs open and friendly events and discussions. Please help us to keep it that way!
CFIC wants to ensure that anyone attending our events and/or discussions is able to participate in them fully, and we are committed to providing a safe and hospitable environment for everyone, regardless of sex/gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion.
We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form.If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please notify an organizer or member of the leadership team and we will work to resolve the issue. (You can also reach us by email at cficanada@centreforinquiry.ca.)
The CFIC event organizers and leadership team reserve the right to remove anyone from an event if we deem their actions to be disruptive to the event and/or its participants.
Are There Limits To Free Inquiry? Where Do Values And Ethics Come From? Does Science Have All The Answers? Should Multicultural Rights Trump Universal Human Rights? You’ve Got Answers? We’ve Got Questions.
Centre for Inquiry Canada is the largest Freethought, Skeptic and Scientific Advocacy group in Canada. We operate through 10 branches across the Country and incorporate the tireless efforts of hundreds of volunteers in our daily mission to advance knowledge and education in all areas of human endeavor. - See more at: [http://centreforinquiry.ca/about-us/](http://centreforinquiry.ca/about-us/#sthash.kPK7LpNU.dpuf)
We have a variety of meetings and events - lectures, discussion groups, as well as social activities.
Please feel free to go ahead and suggest lectures, social activities and discussions if you think it would interest other members of this meetup. You do not need to be an organizer to do so.
We are a branch of CFI Canada