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Saturnalia: What to bring

From: Rachel H.
Sent on: Thursday, December 11, 2014, 8:33 PM

Hello everyone. We have a great group of people signed up for Saturnalia this Saturday. This is Center for Inquiry Austin's winter solstice party. In case you missed it, we are doing things a little differently this year. Rather than having a potluck, we will be serving Indian food, gyros, and ice tea; but BYOB.

Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children at the door, cash or credit. You will also have the option to become a member of CFI Austin in lieu of buying a ticket. Memberships are $30 for individuals, $45 for households, and $20 for students. Membership includes free admission to our Food For Thought lecture series which happens every month, and our summer Star Party. This is a $56 value.

As in the past, there will be a white elephant gift exchange, so bring a wrapped gift worth about $15. Also, we are having a talent show this year. If you would like to participate, just bring your talent: science, art, music, magic, or whatever. There will also be a balloon artist, music and Karaoke!

Thanks and I look forward to seeing you Saturday!

Rachel Harger

[address removed]


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