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What we’re about

Hello everyone!
Welcome to CGUtopia Glasgow!

This is an open group for CG enthusiasts across Glasgow (and Scotland!) to socialise, network and share their artworks.

We aim to create an open platform for artists to collaborate on projects, network and showcase their work live. CGUtopia is intended as a community to bind together artists of all levels of experience and across all CG-related fields.

So, whatever your 3D package of choice, come join us in our meetups!
We'll run live events every once a month in Glasgow and online ones weekly (three times a month, mostly over the weekends). We'll have monthly challenges - collaborative projects - the results of which we can post on our website or on our Linkedin/Facebook page!

The ultimate goal of this group is to create a vibrant community, a platform which will boost the visibility of CG talent in Glasgow.

At a later stage, in the course of growing this community, we'll also be down to organise large-scale events, invitinh guest speakers and recruiters!

Glasgow already is a hub for CG talent, we just need to find each other :)

Upcoming events

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