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What we’re about

Changing Conversations is a social project aiming to help humanity navigate difficult but important conversations in the face of controversy and uncertainty. We host Sydney events to help people find better ways to talk about many emotionally charged or taboo topics such as animal right, climate change, spirituality, depression, career change, feminism, mental health, sex and many more.

Changing Conversations was born out of the need to learn more conversational skills in a non-traditional scolar environment to help express one’s point of view, exercise more groundness and boundaries, learning basic and often understimated human connections skills, allowing for more impact, peace of mind, calmness and the ripple effect change in the world and within oneself.

Changing Conversations is dreamed up and founded by Anna Kochetkova, founder of Good Social Only, good social media ambassador and avid reason lover.

Please join Changing Conversations on Facebook to continue our conversations outside of the physical events and stay connected.