What we’re about
"The divine light within me honors the divine light within you."
The objective of this group is to explore and engage in a fun, learning atmosphere the Unity principals, universal laws, metaphysics, meditation, positive thinking, Spirituality, spiritual development, self discovery and compassion and much much more! Remembering to recognize the divine in all, strengthen your connection and to live life on purpose.
The goal is to reach out and connect with people in the community to raise the awareness level that life is good and we already possess the tools needed to have peace, happiness and success in all areas of our life.
The group has already been established and has been meeting but now we would like to invite you to come join us in our mission.
This group is open to support you in the work you do. Please e-mail organizer to have your events approved once they are posted.
I look forward to meeting new people that share this interest and would love to see you at our meet up sessions really soon!