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From: Nina G
Sent on: Saturday, May 30, 2015, 1:19 PM

Hey all!

We have had some great events recently. Lately participation has dwindled. I know in the summer things to do are plentiful and that could be a reason. If you would like to try certain places please email suggestions.I hate to see the group fade away.

If you can be a co-organizer, even once your dues are free! This would help me greatly as I can't always attend events but want you all to be able to enjoy meeting up, and trying new places.

The dues are super low for everyone. The group fees cost me personally $19.99 per month.I have received less than 10 dues which total a month and a half charges. Thank you to all who have paid. I so appreciate it! This is a group of food enthusiasts together, and you have shown that!!

I really want to keep the group going. I have loved meeting each and everyone of you that has attended a meeting. I can honestly say you have all been great fun to hang with.If you haven't attended an event yet-you should! It's really a great time. Feel free to bring guests. We are a welcoming group.

So, if you can email suggestions of places to go, step in and host an event, and chip in just a few dollars I can see many fun times ahead!

Thanks for your time!

Have fun those of you going to The Bavarian Chef tomorrow! I can't wait to hear about it!