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What we’re about

Welcome to Chat, Chew & Brew, hosted by Botsplash! The purpose of this group is to build professional connections with individuals in the sales, marketing, and technology industries. This is an opportunity to network and share best practices (or headaches) with others in your profession. We will hold quarterly in-person events at local breweries and occasionally have guest speakers. We hope you can join us each quarter and we’re excited to meet everyone!

About Botsplash:

Botsplash is an omnichannel consumer engagement platform that combines messaging channels such as SMS, web chat, Facebook Messenger, Google's Business Messages, and more onto one unified SaaS-based dashboard. Our users are able to conduct effective inbound and outbound messaging campaigns using numerous integrations, features, and more. For additional information about what we do, find us at one of our events! Can't wait that long? Feel free to schedule a demo with us! We can work directly with you and your team to determine if we are the right fit for your communication needs.