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What we’re about

This is a private group for parents of Young Mensans (under 18), and Mensa parents, located in the Chicago area. Note that Meetup limits membership to individuals who are at least 18 years of age, so children cannot join the group, but parents can.

To join please send your Mensa Membership number, or your child's Mensa Membership number in a private message to the Meetup Organizer, and you must also submit a join request, but please DO NOT put the Mensa Membership Number or any other sensitive or confidential information into the "introduction", or it will be visible to all other members. (We may waive the requirement of sending your Mensa membership number if you are already a member of the Chicago Area Mensa Meetup.)

If you are interested in becoming an Event Organizer please send a message to the Meetup organizer.