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What we’re about


Kayaking can be physically and mentally demanding. Kayaking can involve significant risks and hazards, such as collision with power boats, hypothermia, joint or trauma injuries and even drowning.  Injury, both personal and property, may occur while traveling to or from a Float Your Boat activity.  All participants in a Float Your Boat activity - you, family members and guests - by participation in a Float Your Boat activity, acknowledge awareness of the risks, foreseen and unforeseen, which are inherent in each meet-up's activities and cannot be eliminated without destroying the unique character of the activity.  These inherent risks include, but are not limited to, the dangers of serious personal injury, property damage, and death from participation in or travel to and from the activity.

Kayaking, and other posted events 'Float Your Boat'-Chicago Area Paddler's Meetup' are inherently dangerous and accidents may happen. By participating in any posted event, you're taking responsibility for your own safety and well-being. By RSVP'ing, signing up for an event, joining "Float Your Boat' as a member you are agreeing that you are waiving any and all legal or civil rights for responsibility to the Organizer and any other members within the group. 'Float Your Boat' and it's organizers, assistant organizers, trip leaders, and other members, are not trained leaders and we do not confirm the qualifications of any of its members to lead or participate in trips. All participants take full responsibility for their own actions. If you choose to sign up for any  'Float Your Boat' events, you are releasing  'Float Your Boat' , it's organizers and members from all liability in case of possible injuries. Your personal safety depends on your own judgment and experience.

To the Fullest Extent allowed by law, you WAIVE, DISCHARGE CLAIMS, AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY the Float Your Boat Meetup Group and its Organizers from any and all liability on account of, or in any way resulting from injuries, personal or property, and while participating in or traveling to or from any activity.