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What we’re about

This is a social group for people who don't have kids and don't plan to.

What does 'childfree' mean? It means people who don't have kids and (probably) won't have them in future, for whatever reason. Some of us don't want kids, some of us can't have kids, some of us just never got round to it. Being 'childfree' doesn't mean being 'anti-child'. It also doesn't mean people who plan to have kids but haven't done it yet; that's more like being a 'future parent' (or something like that).

Why have a meetup group for childfree people? People who have kids often make friends with other parents at child-focused activities like school and football practice, and they connect easily over their shared experience of parenthood. This can leave childfree people feeling left out. Until now. 😁

Is this a support group? Nope! It's not a support group, or a therapy group, or an ideological group dedicated to saving the world from a Malthusian demographic disaster. It's just for hanging out, having fun and making friends.