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What we’re about

To create a safe space for people to have intimate, vulnerable conversations, deeper than the average social environment, where people will be prompted and encouraged to speak on topics that sometimes might be off the wall.

Hate small talk? Done with fake friendships? Ready to get off the social media wagon and back to REAL connection? If you prefer authentic, deep and intelligent conversations to superficial rants and ramblings, join us!

We meet once or twice per month to connect over a potluck lunch and wide-ranging questions and share perspectives with open minds and hearts. This is a safe space where no topics are off limits. All ideas and sharing are met with openness and mutual respect.

Check out this video to learn more about why this group was formed:

We'll tackle one or two unexpected questions/topics and see where they lead. The group is purposely kept small (10-14) with facilitation to ensure everyone gets a chance to be heard.

Guiding Principles We Follow:

  • Be willing to stretch your comfort zone and points of view rather than to defend, maintain and validate them
  • Listen to HEAR and witness rather than to generate a response [this isn't a debate club]
  • Be respectful of everyone else's unique life experience and perspectives
  • Do your part to ensure everyone gets an opportunity to be heard (be mindful of how much you are talking vs listening)
  • When someone is speaking, give them your full attention - no interruptions, no side comments, no phone scrolling
  • Focus on speaking from your own experience rather than hearsay

Example Questions:

  • Outside of raising a family, being well-regarded by the people you know & love, traveling and enjoying life, what specific accomplishment do want to achieve before you die?
  • Tell us the story of when and what caused the deepest depression in your life?
  • What was the most painful memory you've ever had?
  • Is love built on mechanics?
  • What is your North Star in life?
  • If you could go back in time, what’s one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self?
  • In 10 years, how would you like to describe your life?
  • If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

Come to meet new friends, have fun and enjoy some great conversations!

PLEASE NOTE: Our meetups are popular and we always have a waitlist. And our events are small and intimate. Therefore, if you RSVP for an event and don't show up [or cancel at the last minute], it is very noticeable AND it keeps someone on the waitlist from being able to participate. It is our group's policy that if you No Show more than once or you change your RSVP with less than 24 hours notice multiple times, you will be removed from the group.

Upcoming events (1)

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  • πŸ“£ Sun June 2, 2024 12:30PM Deep Talk Potluck! πŸ‘‚πŸΎπŸ˜€
    Apple Street, North Charleston, SC
    • Photo of Harris Jones
    • Photo of Paul Santana
    • Photo of Travis
    • Photo of Seravin Behnken
    • Photo of Sammie