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What we’re about

We've never been more disconnected as a society than we are right now. Many of us are surrounded by people every day, yet we feel isolated and alone. This sense of disconnection is magnified when we're going through challenging experiences like Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, Anxiety, CFS/ME & Adrenal Fatigue or are just navigating this life in a Sensitive Nervous System.

The Circle of Connection is a place to belong, to feel seen, heard and understood and it's a place were I invite others to lean into support and develop connection.

Each group meeting will offer a time for sharing and exchange and I will also teach about the benefits of safe connection as co-regulation, healthy boundaries, the nervous system, developing self trust, supportive energy medicine tools, Pain Reprocessing Therapy, letting go of healing as a "job" and the power of gently reconnecting to the body.

Groups will be held virtually via Zoom.

My name is Teresa Hobbs and I will be acting as facilitator for these groups. I am a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach and a Certified Pain Reprocessing Therapy Practitioner. I specialize in supporting people with chronic health conditions, chronic pain, anxiety and social anxiety where trauma or stress has been a driving factor. Healing isn't about revisiting the painful past. It's about learning how to develop skills and capacities to work with what shows up in the here and now. Healing happens as we resource ourselves and learn how to reconnect to ourselves and others.

I am offering these groups for free and hope to share some resources and tips to help people on their own healing journeys. Donations are appreciated.

For more information on me, my background and approach, feel free to explore my website.

Upcoming events (4+)

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