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Headhunters at the Cedar Lee on Memorial Day

From: Jims
Sent on: Sunday, May 13, 2012, 10:43 PM
Hi everyone,
I just got back from seeing Beautiful City.  As expected, it was not near to the level of "A Separation", but it was still quite good.  The storyline had a lot of moral dilemmas.  Acting: okay  Editing: could have been better.   Considering this was his second major film, it was quite mature.  Can't wait to see Fireworks Wednesday on Friday.
There are 4 films we have scheduled this week.
Wednesday at 6:00 - Of Human Bondage.  This 1934 film made Bette Davis a star.  It also stars Leslie Howard from Gone With the Wind.  Its free.  Visible Voice Books in Tremont.
Thursday at 6:45 - The Uninvited.  This 1940's horror film regularly makes the scariest films of all time.  I have never seen it, but it sounds great.  Cinematheque.
Friday at 7:30 - Fireworks Wednesday.  This is the next in the series by Iranian director Asghar Farhadi addressing domestic disputes.  Cinematheque.
Sunday at 4:20 - The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel - This soon to be British classic is getting a lot of attention.  A few people have already seen it and liked it quite a bit.  Cedar Lee.
This coming weekend is also the Ohio Film Festival
Coming up on Memorial Day, we will be seeing the Norwegian film, "The Headhunters".  This was the only film that I was shut out of because it was sold out at the Film Festival.  I have been patiently waiting and now it is here.  Dinner is at at Mekong River (I figured we could use a break from all the hamburgers and hot dogs).  The movie begins around 7:30PM.  Do keep tabs on the exact times.  BTW, this script is being picked up by some American director so be sure to see it in its good form before the film gets remade into something mediocre.  If anyone who wants to see the film cannot do it at that time, contact me about organizing another showing.
While I appreciate all the people who help organize events, we are always looking for others to lead an event.  It is really quite easy and you get to pick the movie, time, place and eats place too.  If you would like to help out, please let me know.  Granted, the perks are limited (perhaps a free movie from time to time), but you would really be helping everyone out. 
Please give this consideration. 
If you have already paid, thank you very much and no need to look further.
Otherwise, your dues of $5.00 are very important in  order for us to host directors coming into town and pay for the website.  Please select the link or pay your organizer AT THE NEXT GROUP EVENT if you haven't already.

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