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Re: [movies-320] Lore - Cinematheque, Friday May 24

From: laurie
Sent on: Sunday, May 19, 2013, 6:19 AM

Hi Jim,

I would like to meetup with you today and go to the film. If the weather is good perhaps the fair as well. Please call me when you get a chance.



On Sat, May 18,[masked]:49 PM EDT Jims wrote:

>Hi everyone,
>I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weekend so far.  Often, I am told that nice weather conflicts with going inside to see a movie.  That is why I sometimes add some walking in addition to the film.  We sometimes meet outside afterward as well as walk from place to place.  You will notice that I have included small walks at my next two Cinematheque events.  Of course, it is always optional.
>Upstream Color garnered dramatically different observations from different people as expected.  From what I understand, it is also available on Net Flicks.
>Caesar Must Die: Cinematheque, Sunday May 19 at 4:30
>At the Film Festival last month, I got so tired of people telling me how I missed such a great film about prisoners putting on the play Julius Caesar.  Then, to my surprise, the Cinematheque decides to show it.  I am excited about this one.
>I will be heading over to the Hessler Street Fair around 3:15 or so.  If you want to join me, drop me an email with your mobile or email and we might get connected ahead of time.  I would suggest parking at the Cinematheque and then walk over there.

>Mud Cedar Lee, Monday, May 20, at 6:50 PM.
>Thanks to Lynda for scheduling this very good film. This film starring Matthew McConaheugh (with his shirt on) is an adventure about two boys, Ellis and his friend Neckbone, who find a man named Mud hiding out on an island in the Mississippi.  The group will head next door to Parnell's for discussion.
>Lore, Cinematheque, Friday May 24 at 6PM starting at Constantino's Market
>When I started this movie group 7 years ago, the very first film was Sophie Scholl, a World War II movie about how regular Germans were affected by the war.  (She ended up going on trial for distributing anti-war leaflets).  Lore also focuses on a German family, and while their heartache can't be compared to horrors done to others, this movie will provide some fodder for good conversation.  If you join us, feel free to park at the Cinematheque and walk over to Constantino's before the 7:20PM showing.
>I hope to see you there.
>If I had the bandwidth, here are some other movies I would schedule:  In the House, The IceMan, Leviathan.  If you haven't heard of these, check them out coming to the Cedar Lee / Capitol.  They are coming soon.  Let me know if you can help out.
>Better yet, opt to be an organizer to schedule one or more of these. Just drop me a line.
>2013 DUES 
>If you still owe your dues, of $5.00 please make your payment on the the website.  Alternatively, you can pay the Event Organizer at any event.
>Thanks, Jim

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