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What we’re about

**NOTE: We use this platform for recruiting new members and expanding our club's reach. Most of our club members are not on the Meetup platform so if you see low attendance for our events, do not be discouraged! - our members will be there, you just will not see them on this platform.

Our club helps people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators and leaders. From young professionals to experienced managers to those seeking personal growth, you’ll find a warm, supportive group that shares your goals. Members of Clifton Toastmasters are incredibly diverse, spanning a variety of age ranges, cultural backgrounds, career paths, etc. The vibe is open, inclusive, and friendly, which makes practicing one's public speaking skills a less terrifying prospect. We're non-threatening as heck, and all of us are rooting for each other to succeed.

Upcoming events (4+)

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