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What we’re about

We are a group of passionate developers who would like to share our knowledge about clojure, lisp and maybe other functional languages in very human and social way. We would like to have fun coding application in clojure. We would like to educate new members to give them a change to explore new spaces between parenthesis. Last but not least we would like to change the world not much just in this infinitesimal tolstoyan way:

“True life is not lived where great external changes take place… it is lived only where these tiny, tiny, infinitesimal changes occur.”

• Who should join?

• still novice but very curious about clojure and lips programing - we will teach you.

• not decided for the technology - we will show you an alternative but without pressure.

• functional programming lovers - please share you knowledge.

• clojure codes who would like to code in good companion - we can drink beer together.

Why should members join?

There is a beautiful essay of Paul Graham about the phenomenon of renaissance Florence. It explains it in detail but summarize is simple we can do: learn and create; much more as a group then as single individuals. We can inspire each other.

What can members expect out of the group?

Monthly meetings: every first Thursday of the month.

Typical meeting AGENDA:

• 6.00 - 6.30 pm - Introduction / check in. - Time to say hello, to grab a coffee, tea or beer. As well time to be late - but, please, don't overuse it. We can add some agile confession practice if anyone will be keen.

• 6.30 - 7.00 pm - clj kick-in / kick-off workshop - A small interactive presentation for novice (however, promise, more advance users won't get bored). Take your laptop - you will be able to try out some examples while they will be served.

• 7.00 - 8.00 pm - Small code retreat - Practice based on but shorter. Two pear programing sessions: 2x20 minutes.

• 8.00-8.30pm - Lightning talks / check out. - If anyone will have something interesting to show and the audience still will be willing to listen this will be the last moment to show it - 5 minutes. If we will have keen agilists around we can finish with flash meeting retrospective.