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[Sponsored] CloudBeat 2012

From: Sebastian
Sent on: Wednesday, November 7, 2012, 4:38 PM
Our friends at VentureBeat are holding their annual cloud event -- CloudBeat 2012 ( -- on Nov 28-29 in Redwood City, CA. Most of us would agree that no single player will dominate the cloud computing market in the foreseeable future. So more and more enterprise IT leaders are taking a pragmatic, creative approach and adopting a wide range of cloud solutions. 

CloudBeat is unlike other cloud events because it puts those customers (the adopters) front and center to share their experiences and insights. The program features high-level speakers ( and a series of case studies with customers like Harvard University, PepsiCo, Dignity Health and Kaplan, to name a few. CloudBeat 2012 will attract 500+ attendees, and it's worth noting that VentureBeat events are among the best at facilitating hallway conversations and dealmaking.

We've set up the following link that's good for a 20% discount:

Hope you can make it,

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