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What we’re about

Greatness in Code - that is what this meetup is all about. Most of our work and side projects tackle the real world complexity -> we focus on developing simple solutions for complex problems, sit in meetings for understanding requirements and constantly creating overhead. This meetup focuses back on Code again.

The big inspiration for this meetup came from the work of Mathieu 'P01' Henri ( and the work displayed in the JS1k challenge ( Other influences came from 1 Bit challengers like Jack Oatly ( on ( The perl scene was also an inspiration for playful code centricity (

# So what will happen at this meetup?
Short presentations about awesome code nuggets  

  • - The result should be shown and explained in the first or last 2 minutes
  • - The code should be explained in 8-13 minutes
  • - Live coding is possible, but not necessary

Any programming language is super welcome - the basic things will astonish people that are not in your field (f.e. showing basic graphics techniques in game development will amaze web developers)

Please don't use presentation time to tell about your company/business/hiring/etc -> focus on code and its outcome, thats what everybody is there for!

# Who is the target audience?
Developers that want to see code, that doesn't look fully familiar to their day to day work, but they can still follow, maybe understand and learn from.
Variety is key, so I will try to include different programming languages, topics (efficiency, games, visualisations, crypto, databases, ...) and people to this format.

# Sponsorship
This is a non profit meetup so sponsorship is appreciated for food and drinks. If you sponsor you will be named and appreciated by the community in the beginning. Please understand that there will be no presentation slot because of time limitations.

# Code of Conduct
This meetup is dedicated to providing a respectful, harassment-free community for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment or bullying of any community member in any form. Harassment includes offensive verbal/electronic comments related to personal characteristics or choices, sexual images or comments in public or online spaces, deliberate intimidation, bullying, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks, IRC chats, electronic meetings, physical meetings or other events, inappropriate physical contact, or unwelcome sexual attention. Participants asked to stop any harassing or bullying behavior are expected to comply immediately.

This is a code meetup - bashing other programming languages is also not polite behavior, pls consider that when participating!
This Code of Conduct has been adapted from the code of conduct of