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What we’re about

Welcome to the Columbia Poker, Boardgame, and Movie Group. This group will focus on three main activities: Poker nights, Boardgame meetups, and social outings, such as movie nights, outside of the home.
I realize that's a broad brush to paint, but these are the type of activities I have enjoyed hosting over the years, so instead of creating 3 separate groups, I thought it best to combine them all into one.
My goal is to bring various and diverse people with common interests together for fun outings and a relaxed social environment. So if you are more into movies than social gaming events (or poker, for that matter) then this is fine. There is no minimum amount of events one has to attend, and there is no charge for this group.
A note on each activity:
Poker - this will be setup as a tournament or live game of Texas Holdem (or Omaha/stud/dealer's choice games - always house rules). For those looking to learn the game, this is an excellent introduction, as I am open to hosting free lessons for beginners, or social outings to discuss strategy and higher thinking avenues into the game.
Boardgame Nights - these will be from the mundane (Sorry, Monopoly) to the Euro Style (Settlers of Catan) to the social party games (Cards Against Humanity - I know ... I'm such a tool! Hahahaha). For those unsure, this will be not be a group to host RPG's and D&D, as there are other groups in town that focus on those games.
Movie/Social Outings: The movie outings will be more on the cerebral end (somewhere between suspense, thriller, and even thought-provoking Sci-Fi or documentaries), as The Nickelodeon is a prime destination for scheduled movie nights. And, while I am always up for latest film where "things" blow up every few minutes or so (like Fast & the Furious and Marvel/DC movies), movies that you will most likely not see scheduled in this group are Pitch Perfect 2 and Justin Bieber's Christmas Special. Sorry (but not sorry :-)
Either way, I look forward to meeting all of you very soon! :-)
- Ian
p.s. - when joining the group, please ensure that your profile has a face picture of yourself and a proper name (even if it's just your first name) so members can recognize you at events (and also for safety reasons)