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What we’re about

Here's our intro video:

There's so much comedy available online these days, but did you know that you are thirty times more likely to laugh with OTHERS than when you're alone?

That's why we created the Comedy and Laughter Community.
Let's face it, life can be hard, and comedy and laughter helps take the edge off life.

Each of our events consist of watching funny videos together, then breaking up into small groups to chat about the comedy and to get to know each other.

You also have the opportunity to move to other tables to meet more members of our community. Also, if you ever wondered what it's like to DO stand-up comedy, we'll be providing workshops for you to try out your material in a small group. When you're ready, you can perform a short comedy routine at one of our regular events, in a safe and welcoming environment.

So, if you're interested in having more laughter in your life, and meeting new and interesting people in Vancouver, then come and check us out.

All funds go towards the Friendly Vancouver Project, and check out our website for all the details.