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What we’re about

We practice our social skills & confidence by going out together and communicating in the real world.

This group has 3 recurring event formats:

  1. Offline Dating
    In big cities we are constantly surrounded by interesting & attractive people - let's work together to overcome our social anxiety and have fun interactions with those strangers.
  2. Comfort Zone Challenges / Rejection Therapy
    We do crazy stuff that no one cares about just to prove to ourselves that we are indeed free and can have fun easily.
  3. Debating + Public Speaking + Storytelling
    At these events we practice our speaking skills in a more structured and focused way.

At our meetups you can expect:
- Lots of interactions with awesome people
- Extremely bright, friendly and collaborative community members
- Respectful, inclusive & consensual communication at all times
- Openness & support for confidence building at all levels, genders, ethnicities and social backgrounds

This group is not about pick-up or seduction techniques. It's about learning to communicate confidently by expressing yourself authentically.

We do not tolerate:
- Disrespectful language or behaviour
- Toxic pick-up techniques
- Any form of misogyny, hate speech, racism or sexism
- Alcohol & drug abuse

More information about the coach & host:

More information about the Offline Dating coaching program:

Upcoming events (4+)

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