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What we’re about

Join us in a circle of equals to collectively presence what is emergent and possible in co-creating together the future of our dreams.

Conscious Evolution New England is an evolutionary New England hub with a vision to co-create a peaceful, healthy, regenerative, and thriving world for the greatest and highest good of all. We host conscious evolutionary circles* as well as wholistic presenters on wholistic topics that evolve our consciousness.

Gather in circle, in heart resonance and as "frequency holders", to: 
- evolve our consciousness
- join genius with genius
- help activate the "Wheel of Co-creation" by mapping, tracking, and connecting the golden innovators in every field (See
- co-create a model New England Office For The Future evolutionary hub
- co-create Common Good Communities and the world of our dreams! (See

*A Conscious Evolution Circle is a meditative path of gathering in circle, practicing present moment awareness, connecting and communing with “Source”/"Universal intelligence", presencing what is emergent and emerging, "the evolutionary impulse", sharing as moved, building and gaining revelations together, and co-creating a field of love, resonance, and inspiration - heart to heart, essence to essence.
The time is Now! We are the ones we have been waiting for!

To join us, become a member of this meet-up. 
You could also contact Margaret at [](

"The foundation for a new earth is a new heaven – the awakened consciousness. The earth – external reality – is only its outer reflection.” "...awakening is the realization of Presence"..."awareness...beyond thinking." “It is not we who create, but universal intelligence that creates through us.” “(Our) primary purpose is now to enable consciousness to flow into what (we) do.” "Consciousness flows through (us) into the world. It flows into (our) thoughts and inspires them. It flows into what (we) do and guides and empowers it." “Feel yourself being an opening through which energy flows from the unmanifested Source of all life through you for the benefit of all.” - Eckhart Tolle

"Small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to shift the entire system to a higher order." - Noble Laureate, Ilya Prigogine.
