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What we’re about

Conscious Business & Ventures Community on is about bringing together business owners and entrepreneurs who want to find ways to grow and evolve themselves personally as well as their businesses or project. Being part of a collaborative community is one of the most powerful way to do that, being supported by Systemic Constellations is the way we do it in this community.

Systemic and Family Constellations is a method that addresses challenges and limitations emerging from the personal or organisational fields, it gets to the root cause of difficulties and brings a completely new ways of seeing and dealing with any crisis, big or small. In practical terms; it offers a more resourceful journey to business leaders.

What Is Organisational Constellation ?
Systemic Constellations is a unique and profound process for addressing and resolving issues that challenges any Human system; be it a team, an organisation or other professional entity. Working with Systemic Organisational Constellations highlights and brings up to the surface the forces and hidden dynamics that moves and affects organisations. Such dynamics can be reflected through difficult co-worker relationships, challenges in company growth, acute boardroom clashes and dissatisfied clients. The method provides a three-dimensional ‘map’ of the inner company situation as it is at present. It is a simple yet powerful way to explore and resolve challenges and blockages in an organisation of any type or size. The method brings clarity into challenges by focusing the organisation leaders on the root-cause of such difficulties and how it fits within the bigger picture of the organisation's purpose. Organisational Constellations provides an opening for a positive and long lasting change by presenting ways for adjusting current procedures and strategies.

What happens in an Organisational Constellations Sessions?
In Constellations work a ‘client’ is referred to as the ‘Issue Holder’ this will typically be an individual or a team at a top management or leadership team level. The method uses 3rd party participants as ‘representatives’ to stand-in for key people in the organisation such as employees, partners or clients, 'external' yet influential aspects of the organisation such as suppliers or shareholders or the company founders can also be included in the process and are given a 'voice' so crucial dynamics can be observed and attended to.

Liina Salonen
Workshop & Training Coordinator


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