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Discount code for Vancouver Design & Content Conference

From: Misty W.
Sent on: Thursday, May 28, 2015, 7:20 PM

Special thanks to our next guest speaker Steve Fisher for offering a discount to this upcoming conference!

The Design & Content Conference - August 5-7, 2015 - Vancouver, BC
Designers and content strategists—We’re perfect together

Grab your tickets and use the code seattle10 to save 10%! As an added benefit all the prices are in Canadian dollars which is another automatic 15% discount.

The Design & Content Conference will be the world’s premier event bringing together designers and content strategists for the web. Located in the ocean-mountain setting of Vancouver, BC, designers and content strategists will team up to learn from industry leaders on the ways design and content can shape the future of the web. A day of workshops, two days of talks, and some brilliant extras.

They're expecting 350 attendees plus volunteers in 2015. With a mix of in-house designers and content strategists from enterprise private industries, government teams, mid sized web and design agencies, as well as freelancers.

To ensure the event is world class we have secured some of the best minds and speakers in the web design and content strategy world, a world class venue in one of the best Cities in North America. They’ve also brought on an experienced event producer, Erik Westra, who has produced the Confab Events over the last four years as well as many other sold out and successful events over the last decade.

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